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Desco Infratech Private Limited

Desco Infratech Private Limited is a Surat, Gujarat based company working in the Engineering, Planning & Construction Segment in the City Gas Distribution, Along with the Energy sector such as Renewable, Water & Power sectors in India. We are currently present across 14 States with more than 45+ cities / towns in India. We have expertise in Oil & Gas MDPE & Steel Pipeline and HDPE/DI/CI/RCC along ...Show More


Oil and Gas

Company Size

201-500 Employees


Surat, Gujarat

Remote Only


Desco Infratech Private Limited

Physical stamina
Attention to detail

+4 More Skills

Posted on August 10 2024

PE Technician

Desco Infratech Private Limited

Health and Safety Regulations
Physical Education Instruction
Sports Equipment Maintenance
First Aid Certification

+4 More Skills

Posted on August 10 2024

Diploma Engineer

Desco Infratech Private Limited

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Technical Drawing

+4 More Skills

Posted on August 10 2024

PE Technician

Desco Infratech Private Limited

Technical expertise
Attention to detail
Analytical thinking

+4 More Skills

Posted on July 30 2024

Project Manager - City Gas Distribution (CGD)

Desco Infratech Private Limited

Project Management
Gas Distribution
Regulatory Compliance
Stakeholder Management

+4 More Skills

Posted on July 26 2024

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