Mid-Level: 4 to 6 years
Posted on Feb 03 2024

About the Job


Microsoft Power Apps
Microsoft 365 services
Technical Document Writer
Microsoft services
API documentation
Proficiency in English

Software Technical Writer




A Software Technical Document Writer for Microsoft Power Apps specializes in creating, maintaining, and updating documentation specifically for Microsoft Power Apps—a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platform that provides a rapid development environment to build custom apps for business needs. This role requires a deep understanding of Power Apps, its components, and how it integrates with other Microsoft services and third-party applications. The job involves producing a range of documentation to assist developers, administrators, and end-users in leveraging Power Apps effectively.

Key Responsibilities

  • Documentation Development: Create detailed technical documentation tailored to different segments of the Power Apps audience, including developers, IT professionals, and business users. This includes step-by-step guides, API documentation, integration instructions, best practices, and case studies.
  • User Guides and Manuals: Develop comprehensive user manuals that explain how to create, deploy, and manage apps using Power Apps. This includes guidance on using both the low-code environment for non-developers and more advanced features for professional developers.
  • Tutorial and Training Material Creation: Design and produce training materials and tutorials to help users at all levels understand how to use Power Apps effectively. This may involve creating video tutorials, interactive online courses, and live webinars.
  • Feedback Loop Management: Establish and maintain a feedback loop with users and internal teams (development, support, sales) to continuously improve documentation based on user needs and product updates.
  • Technical Support Documentation: Develop FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and support articles to help users resolve common issues and questions.
  • Collaboration with Product Teams: Work closely with the Power Apps development teams to gain an in-depth understanding of product updates, new features, and roadmap items. Ensure that documentation is aligned with product releases and updates.
  • Compliance and Accessibility: Ensure that all documentation complies with legal, regulatory standards, and follows accessibility guidelines to make content usable for all users.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Educational Background: Bachelor's degree in Technical Communication, Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field. Certifications or specific training in Microsoft Power Apps and related Microsoft technologies are highly advantageous.
  • Technical Proficiency: Strong understanding of Microsoft Power Apps, including its development environment, functionality, and integration with other Microsoft 365 services and external data sources.
  • Writing and Editing Skills: Excellent writing skills with the ability to create clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation for technical and non-technical audiences. Proficiency in English and familiarity with technical writing standards are essential.
  • Visual Communication: Ability to use diagrams, screenshots, and videos to complement and enhance written content. Skills in using documentation tools and software that support visual aids are necessary.
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Strong collaboration skills to work with cross-functional teams and gather information from subject matter experts. Ability to receive and incorporate feedback constructively.
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to understand complex technical information and break it down into easy-to-understand documentation. Creative thinking to present information in engaging ways.
  • Project Management: Experience in managing documentation projects, including planning, prioritization, and adherence to deadlines in a fast-paced environment.

About the company

Modus ETP - An Enterprise Transformation Platform providing Transformation As Usual Practices to Organisations. It Covers aspects of Business Transformation, Strategy Management, Transformation Management Office, Portfolio Management, Programme Management, Project Management, Transformation As Usual, Change Management, Organisational Change Management, Organisational Design, Communication Manageme ...Show More


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Company Size

11-50 Employees


United Kingdom

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