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Watsapp Business API - CRM

Mid-Level: 4 to 6 years
30K - 35K (Per Month)
Posted on Jul 21 2024

About the Job


API Integration
Customer Support
CRM Software
Communication Skills
Technical Troubleshooting
Data Analysis
Project Management

Managing customer interactions through WhatsApp to ensure timely and effective communication.

Maintaining detailed records of customer interactions and transactions.

Identifying customer needs and providing appropriate solutions to enhance customer satisfaction.

Collaborating with other departments to resolve complex issues and improve overall service quality.

Monitoring and reporting on customer feedback and trends to make data-driven decisions.

Ensuring compliance with company policies and procedures in all customer interactions.

Continuously improving product knowledge to provide accurate and comprehensive information to customers.

Assisting in the development and implementation of new CRM strategies to boost customer engagement.

About the company

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Company Size

2-10 Employees



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