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Mid-Level: 1 to 2 years
10K - 12K (Per Month)
Posted on Jun 17 2024

About the Job


Financial Reporting
Tax Preparation
Financial Analysis
Accounting Software Proficiency
Regulatory Compliance

We are looking for an Accountant to manage all financial transactions, from fixed payments and variable expenses to bank deposits and budgets.

Accountant responsibilities include auditing financial documents and procedures, reconciling bank statements and calculating tax payments and returns. To be successful in this role, you should have previous experience with bookkeeping and a flair for spotting numerical mistakes.

Ultimately, you will provide us with accurate quantitative information on financial position, liquidity and cash flows of our business, while ensuring we’re compliant with all tax regulations.

Require accountant with proficency in accounting softwares .

About the company

We are about pedaling-a passionate community of cyclists. Our goal is to spread the love of cycling and make it more accessible to everyone. We are committed to providing the best cycling experience by combining craftsmanship with innovation using world-class components. Our bikes are engineered uniquely for both off-road and on-road riding. We have a variety of bikes to choose from, ranging from ...Show More


Sporting Goods

Company Size

51-200 Employees



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